972-757-7920 info@persiankittenpals.com CFA Cat Breeder Taking reserves 3 new kittens
Sweet Ariel
Female Creme Point
Blue eyes
Ready 8/10
$3 500
Seal Point Persian
Deep Blue eyes
Ready 5/1/2024 Born 2/8/2024
all shots completed
Sold to Keyra
Seal Lynx point Male
Blue eyes
Shot series completed
Seal Lynx Point female
Born 4/27 Ready 7/27
Blue green eyes
Picture taken 7/8/22
Reserved for Noveline
Seal Lynx Point Persian Female
born 9/21 Ready 12/15/21
Health Guarantee/All Shots
Watch your kitten live on the nursery cam 24/7 until you bring him home
Reserved-Thumper-Available for reserve
Seal Lynx Point Persian kitten
Born 7/14/21 ready 10/6/21
Health Guarantee/shots
Watch your kitten live 24/7 on the kitty cams until you bring her home!
Reserved -Ollie is reserved
Seal Lynx Point Persian Male
Blue eyes
Born 7/14/21 Ready 10/6/21
Health Guarantee/All Shots
Watch your kitten live on the nursery cam 24/7 until you bring him home
Our New Kittens!
Zsa Zsa -Queen
Seal Lynx Points born 3/31/21
Mashka- reserved for Azadeh
Blue Lynx Point Persian Kitten
Picture taken 6/4
Queen -ZsaZsa
Born 3/31 Ready 6/24
GuccI -Reserved for Nita
Seal Lynx Point Persian
Born 3/31 Ready 6/24
Reserved Penelope -Reserved Karin San Antonio
Ready June 5th
shots completed including kitten boosters, FELV, rabies and deworming
Health Guarantee
Percy- Reserved for Shannon
Seal Lynx point Male
Born 3/2
Queen Lilly
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