972-757-7920 info@persiankittenpals.com CFA Cat Breeder 1 kitten available!
Thank you for visiting my website! I wanted to share some key things to know and consider before getting a Persian kitten. CFA also has details on Persian Cat colors and standards. We specialize White Solids,Seal Lynx Point Himalayan Persians. In spring 2024 we will start breeding Dearheart Chinchilla Persians.
As the dusty desert caravans wound their way westward from Persia and Iran, it is supposed that secreted among the rare spices and jewels on the basket-laden camels was an even more precious cargo, an occasional longhair cat. They were called Persian for their "country of origin," but hieroglyphic references as early as 1684 B.C. shroud forever their exact beginnings.
Persians, with their luxurious coats and sweet faces have caused them grow in popularity. Their sweet, gentle, personalities blend into most households once they feel secure in their new environment. Creatures of habit, they are most at home in an atmosphere of security and serenity, but with love and reassurance, can easily adapt to the most boisterous of households. Their quiet, melodious voices are pleasant and non-abrasive. They communicate delightfully with their large expressive eyes and make charming pets for all ages. Persians have short heavilyboned legs to support their broad, short bodies. They like to have their feet firmly planted and are not given to high jumping and climbing. Playful but never demanding, they love to pose and will drape themselves in a favorite window or chair, enhancing the decor in much the same way as a treasured painting. Persians are tremendously responsive and become a constant source of joy and delight to their owners. Pleasurable as an unexpected sunbeam, their companionship is close and enduring.
Their long flowing coats require an indoor, protected environment. Proper maintenance requires a daily run-through with a metal comb to eliminate the potential drawbacks of tangles and hairballs. An occasional bath, attempted only after a complete comb-through and clipping of the nail tips, will keep the coat clean, healthy and beautiful. It is wise to establish the routine of the bath when they are young. While the white Persian has long been the darling of photographers and advertisers, Persians come in an astonishing number of colors, which are divided into seven color divisions for purposes of competition.
As a Persian Cat Breeder, I want to provide you with some thoughts around whether or not to get a pair of kittens verses one and the things to consider. There is a lot of persian cat information out there and opinions but this sums up my passion around the topic. While I feel that we humans can offer a great deal of love and be nurturing, there is a special type of feline companionship and interaction that cannot be duplicated or reproduced by human beings.
Felines crave two types of interaction for a healthy mental self-esteem:
1.) Human Fellowship
2.) Feline Friendship
We as humans can shower our feline friend with our time, fun cheerful toys, soft fuzzy beds, tall elaborate kitty towers, grooming & brushing, great quality food, cuddling, and excellent veterinarian care, but the power of feline to feline friendship cannot be cloned by objects or humans.
They offer one another a confidence and intimacy factor we humans simply cannot; such as cleaning one each other’s face or chasing each other throughout the house at tops speeds.
Their bond is very apparent to see as you watch them sleeping all curled up together or both trying to smash their faces in the same food dish.
So, without hesitation, my recommendation is always two.
Now, for those of you who have raised two cats together and one passes away and you find yourself wondering…
Should I get a new baby kitten to help with the grief the older cat is enduring?
I will say this, that bond between those two older cats is equal to two elderly people who grew up and old together. When one crosses over the rainbow bridge the other is completely lost and life without their soul mate is usually not something they want to face any longer.
Many times they too give up on tomorrow. The fact is their furry friend is no longer by their side to chatter with or just feel one another’s warmth. So if this is the situation you are dealing with, I will also give you my professional thoughts…
Think of grandparents, their bodies are not what they used to be in their childhood. They used to race one another out on the playground and sled ride down the hills after a new blanket of snow had just fallen.
It doesn’t mean that they no longer enjoy those things, it’s just that most grandparents would rather watch their grandchildren do those activities.
It’s the same for the older cat in the house, for the most part, they are not as physically youthful as they once were, yet mentally they are & love watching little ones run, flip and play. However when you add just one new baby kitten to the household thinking that you have helped out the older kitty you have in fact, just annoyed the older one because he or she is content to watch, not join in and play. So once again I suggest TWO, that way it is as though the older cat is at the movies! They get the mental thrill and entertainment but are not physically exhausted.
I know that adopting two at the same time is not always an option, but if possible it is always best to pair them up with a furry friend within that first year of life.
Another question people often ask me is what gender combinations are best to go with.
I always say the same thing: MALE/MALE or MALE/FEMALE but to avoid FEMALE/FEMALE unless they are adopted at the same time and are either litter mates or nursery mates (born within a 2-3 month age range of one another).I always favor customers when they are selecting a pair of kittens!
They are friends for life and an inseparable bond! When looking at beautiful doll faced persian kittens for sale, adopting them with a sibling is best!
In Conjunction with CFA's guidance and my beliefs regarding the declawing of cats, anyone purchasing a kitten or cat from persiankitten pals cannot declaw their cat as part of my contract. Note that some states including New York have recently outlawed this procedure.
"The Cat Fanciers' Association recognizes that scratching is a natural behavior of cats and that cats may be defenseless without full use of their claws if they, either intentionally or
unintentionally, go outdoors. Scratching damageto household furnishings can be minimized or avoided by routine clipping of the claws, the use of claw covers and by redirecting the cat's activity to acceptable surfaces.CFA perceives the declawing of cats (onychectomy ) and the severing of digital tendons(tendonectomy) to be elective surgical proceduresthat are without benefit to the cat. Because of
the discomfort associated with any surgery and potential future behavioral
or physical effects,CFA disapproves of routine declawing or tendonectomy surgery in lieu of alternative solutions to prevent household damage. In certain situations including high risk of injury or disease transmission to owners with bleeding disorders
or compromised immune systems, declawing may be justified in order to maintain the cat-human bond. "
The best thing you can do for your future kitten is to ensure they achieve the key milestones that contribute to a long and healthy happy life. There are a lot of Persian kittens for sale and there is even more Persian cat information on the web. I use the CFA.org guidelines as a rule and resource for maintaining my cattery. CFA recommends 12-16 weeks. In my cattery, My rule of thumb as a breeder is to allow the kittens to leave their mother no earlier than 12 weeks of age. On occasion, it may be necessary to have them for 14 weeks. There are crucial mental, emotional, and developmental milestones that a kitten experiences between six and twelve weeks of age. Separating the kitten from mother, siblings, and familiar surroundings before that age can cause undue anxiety and stress at the least, and serious medical problems or even death in the very worst cases.
Click on button below to learn in more detail from CFA on why it's important the kitten stay with it's mother a minimum of 12 weeks.
Press on link below.
Pricing has changed effective in 2022 Prices start at $3000. Some kittens are priced higher. Occasionally, I might have an older cat that I will list for less.
The reserve is $500 and that amount is subtracted from the price. The reserve is not refundable. Once you place a reserve you will go on a waitlist for a kitten and placed in order. If for some reason the sex or color isn't available that you had wanted, you can roll over the reserve to the next litter. You will be provided a contract and a health guarantee. Kittens will have gone to the vet no less than two times and have their kitten boosters completed, FELV boosters completed, deworming and rabies shot.
You have my commitment that I will provide you with a healthy happy kitten! I love taking videos and pictures and you will receive updates every week. I take a lot of pride in being a Persian Kitten Breeder! You will also have access to the kitty cams in the nursery where you can take pictures and even talk to the kittens from your phone! I allow scheduled playdates. I love to stay in communication with my families and I always make myself available for questions! I love putting your pictures on my website and getting updates on your kittens long after they leave our nursery!
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